요약에 사용할만한 프롬프트

[ 구요한 | 연구 | HRD ]

제가 오늘 본 아티클에서 사용한 프롬프트입니다. 최대한 옵시디언에 바로 옮겨서 다듬는 작업 할 수 있도록 이것저것 바꿔보고 있습니다. 지난번에는 제가 쓴 파일명 이모티콘, 숫자형태까지 얼추 따라해서 해주던데 요거 완성되면 좋겠습니다..

Please make a summary below using the content of this entire article. [Part I: Brief]

  1. [One key sentence that covers the whole article]
  2. Summary: [Please make a summary of not less than 30 characters but not more than 100 characters].
  3. Important: [Please make three important sentences in markdown list].
[Part II: Detailed] Please organize the contents using 3 levels of bullet list. - The first level of bullet is the keyword. Make it less than 20 words. - The second level of bullet is a detailed summary. Make it less than 50 words. - Put in the third level of bullet as needed. Make it less than 50 words. If you need to distinguish between the bullet lists, use markdown heading 4 (with ####) to subhead.

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