ChatGPT로 쉽게 코드 에러 이해하기

To debug with ChatGPT and Stacker (an extension of vscode)
  • Creator : Rae Noh

Stacker mainly uses ChatGPT for responses. Also rely on webscraping to extract information from stackoverflow and github issue and return those answers if deemed necessary.

Step1. Execute vscode → extensions → install stacker
Step2. Write a code in vscode. Then, 1) execute the code. If an error occurs, 2) copy the error msg → 3) click ‘stacker’ menu at the bottom of vscode window. → 4) paste the error msg → 5) ‘stacker will show you the detailed error msg’.

(채용) 콘텐츠 마케터, AI 엔지니어, 백엔드 개발자

지피터스의 수 천개 AI 활용 사례 데이터를 AI로 재가공 할 인재를 찾습니다

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