[8기 프롬프트] 이메일 작성봇(Template Pattern, Flipped Interaction Pattern)

2nd Language로 영어를 쓰면 가장 신경쓰이는 부분은 내 언어가 상대방에게 어떤 느낌으로 다가오는지 파악이 안된다는 점입니다. 그래서 영어를 사용할 때 내가 상황에 맞는 수준의 단어를 사용하고 있는건가 항상 궁금해서 GPT를 통해 많이 물어왔습니다.
그래서 GPTS 서비스가 나오자마자 만들었던 건 특정 영어 단어를 입력했을 때 formality 정도와 유사어의 formality 정도를 (Most Formal)-(Semi-Formal)-(Less Formal)로 만드는 비서였습니다.

그런 의미에서 이번에 강의를 들으면서 저 비서를 좀 더 체계적인 구조로 답을 내도록 수정하는 작업을 했는데 그걸 올려볼까 하다가 이건 너무 보수 공사만 한 느낌이라 다른 과제를 올려봅니다.
채팅봇을 만든다면 영어 이메일을 써주는 봇도 만들어보고 싶습니다. 영어 이메일 써주는 봇을 목표로 준비작업 삼아 숙제를 해보았습니다.

(1) Flipped Interaction Pattern으로 이메일을 작성하기 위한 아이템을 알려달라고 했습니다. 개괄식 구조를 위해 Template Pattern을 일부 활용했습니다.

나> I’d like to make you write a e-mail in English for me. Which information is needed? give me response with this template. CAPITALIZED WORDS are my placeholder.
1. ITEM1 : your explanation
2. ITEM2: your explatnation

gpt>Certainly! To help you write an effective email in English, I'll need specific information about the following items:

  1. RECIPIENT DETAILS: Information about the person or organization you're sending the email to. This includes their name, title (if applicable), and any relevant background information that might influence the tone or content of the email.

  2. PURPOSE OF THE EMAIL: The main reason for your email. Are you making a request, providing information, asking a question, giving a response, or something else? Knowing the purpose helps in structuring the email appropriately.

  3. KEY POINTS TO INCLUDE: Any specific points, questions, or pieces of information that must be included in the email. This ensures that all necessary details are covered.

  4. YOUR PERSONAL OR COMPANY DETAILS: If relevant, include your name, position, and contact information, or any details representing your company or organization.

  5. TONE OF THE EMAIL: The desired tone of the email (formal, informal, persuasive, friendly, etc.) as it should match the relationship with the recipient and the context of the message.

  6. ANY ATTACHMENTS OR FOLLOW-UPS: If you plan to include any attachments or if there's a need for follow-up actions or responses.

  7. DEADLINES OR URGENT REQUESTS: If the email is time-sensitive or if there are any specific deadlines involved.

  8. CLOSING AND SIGNATURE PREFERENCES: How you prefer to close the email (e.g., "Best regards," "Sincerely") and any signature details, like your full name, position, and contact information.

With this information, I can help draft a clear, concise, and appropriate email for your needs.

(2) 우선 송신자의 성격이나 이메일 쓰는 습관을 입력하는 item을 추가하고 이후 너무 item이 많아져서 5개로 정리하는 작업을 수행했습니다.
나> I think one more item need to be added, which is SENDER'S CHARACTER to delegate my e-mail writing to you
나>I think these items could be rearranged with 5 items. Please rearrange this as 5 items and order with the priorities for writing e-mails
나> I will change the order 1. and 2
나> I’d like to split 1. into 1. recipient detail and 2. sender's character

(3) 이런 과정을 거쳐서 나온 item은 다음과 같습니다


  • Information about the person or organization you're emailing, including their name, title, and any relevant background information for context.


  • Details about your personality, communication style, or any unique traits that should be reflected in the email's writing style to ensure it authentically represents you.


  • Purpose of the Email: Define the main reason for your email (request, information, question, response, etc.).

  • Key Points to Include: Specific points, questions, or information that must be included in the email.


  • Decide on the desired tone (formal, informal, persuasive, friendly, etc.) to match the relationship with the recipient and the context.

  • Ensure the style reflects the sender's character and the email's purpose.


  • Time Sensitivity and Follow-Up: Address any deadlines or urgent requests and mention the need for follow-up actions or responses.

이제 아이템을 넣어 메일을 써봅니다.

나> 1. my team member, SZ, a junior researcher 2. PM, the leader of the recipient, working in YJ company, kind, prefer simple and efficient mails 3. she forgot forwarding email on the result of the recent in-house survey which was for investigating the trend of using AI_talking services. i'm going to request the result files and her opinion or insights on the result 4. semi-formal 5. requesting the result file

Subject: Request for AI Talking Services Survey Results and Insights

Hi SZ,

I hope this message finds you well. I'm writing to follow up on the recent in-house survey regarding the trend of using AI talking services. It appears that the email with the survey results hasn’t been forwarded to me yet.

Could you please send me the survey results at your earliest convenience? Additionally, I would really value your opinion or insights on the findings. Your perspective as a junior researcher is important, and I'm keen to hear your thoughts on the data.

I'm looking for a straightforward and efficient overview, so a brief summary along with the main points would be greatly appreciated. If you could attach the result files to your response, that would be perfect.

Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this request. I understand you have a busy schedule, and I appreciate your effort in this matter.

Best regards,

[Your Full Name] Project Manager, YJ Company

(5) 아들이 선생님에게 보내는 이메일도 만들어 봅니다.

나> 1. a 6th grade student who is a student of the recipient, 2. a history teacher of my kid, who is in a 6th grade class, 3. my son want to know what is the examination range and the efficient way to study the content of the examination range, 4. casual but polite, 5. till this week

Subject: Inquiry About Term Examination Content

Dear [Teacher's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I'm writing to ask for some clarification about the upcoming term examination in history.

I realized that I forgot to note down the specific topics that will be covered in the exam. Could you please let me know the range of the examination? I want to make sure I'm studying the right materials and focusing on the correct areas.

Also, if you have any suggestions or tips on how to study effectively for these topics, I would really appreciate your advice. I'm aiming to do my best in the exam and want to prepare as efficiently as possible.

Thank you so much for your time and help. I understand that you're busy, but if you could get back to me by the end of this week, that would be great!

Best regards,

[Your Name] [Your Class/Grade]

이걸로 봇을 만들어 쓰면 영어로 이메일 쓸 일이 있을 때 유용하게 활용할 수 있을 것 같습니다.

이걸 이용해서 GPTS로 만든 영어로 이메일쓰기 봇입니다.
hi로 시작하면 5개의 item에 대한 설명과 함께 채워달라는 내용이 나옵니다.
결과를 본 후 추가적인 요청이 있으면 이를 받아 modification한 결과를 내어줍니다.

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