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Snapchat’s new AI chatbot is already raising alarms among teens and parents


랜덤한 기사에서 AI로 생성한 영어 논술로 적합한 질문들을 몇 가지 가져와 봤습니다!
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1. Let's summarise the contents of this article.

2. How did Lyndsi Lee become aware of the My AI chatbot and why did she advise her daughter to stay away from it?

3. Are there any potential risks associated with using Snapchat's My AI chatbot, particularly for young users like Lee's daughter?
예시 답변 :

1. This article discusses the launch of Snapchat's My AI chatbot and the concerns surrounding its use, particularly among teenagers. Some users have found the chatbot helpful for homework and advice, while others worry about its potential to reinforce negative beliefs and provide inaccurate information. Parents are advised to have conversations with their teens about best practices for communicating with AI and to make it clear that chatbots are not friends or therapists. The article also mentions the need for federal regulation to keep up with the rapid pace of AI advancement.

2. Lyndsi Lee became aware of the My AI chatbot when Snapchat rolled it out to all users last week. She advised her daughter to stay away from it because she worries about how My AI presents itself to young users like her daughter on Snapchat. She believes that there is a really clear line Snapchat is crossing and wants to set some healthy boundaries and guidelines before allowing her daughter to use the feature.

3. Yes, there are potential risks associated with using Snapchat's My AI chatbot, particularly for young users like Lee's daughter. Some concerns include the chatbot providing inaccurate information, reinforcing negative beliefs, and potentially encouraging dishonesty. Additionally, there are privacy concerns and criticisms over an inability to remove the feature from chat feeds without paying for a premium subscription. Parents are advised to have conversations with their teens about best practices for communicating with AI and to make it clear that chatbots are not friends or therapists.


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