- 링크드인에 사용할 수 있는 개인화된 메시지 자동 작성을 유료로 판매하는 것에서 착안, 이를 이용한 맞춤 인사말 작성 프로그램
- 프롬프트는 아래와 같음
- How to create personalized greeting message using chatgpt and linkedin profile.
- In conclusion, it seems possible if you just use the prompt well.
- After seeing paid services being offered abroad, I wondered if we could create personalized messages using the free GPT model and linkedin. I asked to write a sample targeting one person within a 300 character limit.
- With that offered by GPT, I successfully requested linkedin connection.
- Afterwards, when I asked to write without a character limit, it was written more in detail."
- 자세한 내용은 아래 링크를 확인
- https://www.linkedin.com/posts/sos100479_linkedin-leadgeneration-b2b-activity-7022293670422872064-YlH4?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_android