단어 암기에 사용해 봤습니다.

주어진 단어를 설명하는 예문을 만들고 사지선다형 문제를 묻게 해봤습니다. 
I want to memorize words. I would like you to be my coach. write 10 new prompts that I could guess the word.  I like to memorize  following words, 

 primitive, superfluous, boilerplate, panacea, embraces, dominancy, irrelevant, detrimental, interrogating, heterogeneity. 

When you make a question, can you give me 4 examples so that I can answer with number?
give me a first question and wait me for answer. and then reply me correct answer.


Sure! I'll help you memorize these words by giving you prompts and having you guess the word. Here's your first question:

What is a term used to describe something that is basic or elementary in nature?
A. Primitive
B. Superfluous
C. Boilerplate
D. Panacea
Please type the letter of your answer.
이처럼 문제를 만들어주고 정/오답을 알려줍니다. 

(채용) 콘텐츠 마케터, AI 엔지니어, 백엔드 개발자

지피터스의 수 천개 AI 활용 사례 데이터를 AI로 재가공 할 인재를 찾습니다

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